PLP156 Prim Candles Candle Mat Pattern is by Penny Lane Primitives
What better way to display your favorite candle than surrounded by candles?!! This pretty set is so warm and prim! Both Mats can be made using wool felt (pictures) or wool. The top mat measures 11 inches and the bottom mat measures 12 inches. Display together or separately!
Candle Mat, Pattern, Wool Applique, Wool Felt, Wool, Hand Applique, Candles, Hearts, Primitive Candles.
#CandleMatPattern #SeasonalCandleMat #ChristmasCandleMat #PrimitiveCandleMat #WoolApplique #HandApplique #Candles #Applique #PennyLanePrimitives #PatternHutch
PLP156 - Prim Candles
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