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PLP180 - Strawberry Fields Candle Mat, Mug Rug, Scissor Keep and Scissor Fob Pattern is by Penny Lane Primitives.

Colorful strawberies sweeten up this pretty set just in time for your summer decorating! Create these beautiful pieces using wool or wool felt. The candle mat measures approx 12 inches, the mini mat (Mug Rug) measures 5 inches, the scissor keep is about 4 inches wide at the top and 4 1/2 inches long, and the scissor fob is a little over 1/2 inch. Such a pretty summer set!

Candle Mat Pattern, Wool Applique, Craft Pattern, Mug Rug, Scissor Keep, Scissor Fob, Strawberries, Applique, Embroidery, Seasonal Candle Mat, Penny rug.

#CandleMatPattern #CraftPatterns #CraftShowIdeas #WoolApplique #SeasonalPennyRug #PennyRugPattern #Applique #AppliqueCandleMat #HandApplique #Strawberries #ScissorKeep #ScissorFob #SeasonalDecor #FarmhouseDecor #CountryDecor #PennyLanePrimitives #PatternHutch

PLP180 - Strawberry Fields

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